30 Interesting Facts About Cars You Need to Know

Interesting Facts About Cars
Interesting Facts About Cars

30 Interesting Facts About Cars You Need to Know

Automobiles are amazing machines. People have traveled for thousands of years using either horses or their own two feet. There was undoubtedly a need for alternative modes of transportation in order to move farther and more quickly, as the old English saying goes: "Necessity is the mother of invention."

Did you know that owning a car was viewed as a luxury when they were first launched in 1886 and that few families could afford them? There are 1.4 billion cars on the road today, or roughly one for every seven people!

Put on your seatbelt and read more fascinating automotive facts. Enjoy yourself while driving down the highway by keeping these interesting facts for your next road trip or quiz night.

Interesting Facts About Cars

1. To start an automobile, around half an ounce of petrol is required. In the meantime, a human starts with roughly 2.7 cups of coffee!

2. Within 40 milliseconds of a collision, airbags deploy and travel at up to 4,500 miles per hour. They are intended to deploy at 19 mph impact speeds. I hope this isn't an exaggerated fact.
Repair Vehicle Information

3. The typical automobile has more than 30,000 pieces. At least one of them will undoubtedly break.

4. More than $60 billion worth of auto maintenance is neglected annually. Later on, that might amount to billions of dollars in repairs!

5. Many problems linked to check engine lights are caused by malfunctioning oxygen sensors. It's not the check engine light!

6. The internal computer of the average car contains more than 100 kilometers of code. What role does it play there?

7. The typical car owner should budget approximately $400 year for diagnostics, planned maintenance, and other repairs. That is far less than future expensive repairs!

8. The typical cost of auto maintenance is around $305.55. Parts, labor, tax, and any related inconvenience are all included!
Facts about Traffic Cars

9. The average American sits at red lights for over two weeks of their lives. Not as bad as waiting at the DMV.

10. Traffic congestion wastes about three billion gallons of fuel each year. Talk about a gas guzzler!
Driving Car Facts

11. It would take nearly a month to drive to the moon at 60 MPH. What’s the speed limit in space, anyway?

12. 90% of drivers admit to singing in the car. Hairbrush microphones not included.

13. The world’s first speeding ticket was issued in 1902. The driver was allegedly traveling at 45 MPH. Scandalous!

14. The highest mileage clocked by one car was 2,850,000 miles: the equivalent of driving around the planet 100 times. Maybe the driver refused to ask for directions?
Historical Car Facts

15. The word “car” is derived from the Latin word ‘Carrum’ which means “two-wheeled Celtic war chariot.” Is there a Latin word for Sport Utility Vehicle?

16. The automotive industry employs about 9.9 million Americans. That’s about 5.1% of private-sector employment. It’s a “wheely” good career choice.

17. Volvo is Latin for “I roll”. That’s how I roll.

18. The 2011 Ford Crown Victoria was the last car to offer a cassette tape player as an option. Did it come with a pencil to fix the tape when it jammed?

19. The first windshield wipers were operated by hand. Not very handy.

20. Gas gauges weren’t added to cars until 1922. That’s a little over thirty-five years after the first car was produced. I hope they had roadside assistance for all the drivers that ran out of gas!
Unusual Car Facts

21. Most cars honk in the key of “F”. What if they’re out of tune? Do they need a tune-up?

22. The most people ever to fit in a Smart Car is nineteen. Not very smart or comfortable.

23. “New car smell” is composed of 50 volatile organic compounds (VOC). Prolonged exposure to VOCs can result in serious health effects. Mmm, I love the smell of 50 volatile organic compounds in the morning!

24. In the United States, a car is stolen every 45 seconds. Lock your doors, people!

25. The most popular car color is white. The least favorite color is purple. Go figure.


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